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Howdy folks, I’m looking for a nice way of merging the output from multiple files in a RDataFrame
file1 = mymuons.root
file2 = myelectrons.root
Now there’s a simple way to do this, simply load them into the same RDF, they even have the same tree name.
buuuut… mymuons.root contains variables like muon_pt[0] and myelectrons.root has variables tau_pt[0] and stuff.
So what I’ve done until now is define new variables like lepton_pt that are common between both (there are also others like has_passed_triggers = "(find(begin(passedTriggers), end(passedTriggers), 'HLT_mu20_iloose_L1MU15') != end(passedTriggers) || find(begin(passedTriggers), end(passedTriggers), 'HLT_mu26_ivarmedium') != end(passedTriggers) || find(begin(passedTriggers), end(passedTriggers), 'HLT_mu50') != end(passedTriggers)") a single dataset with the same tree might come from 6 different files with 6 different minor differences in variable names.
How do I add these together? Is there a clever way of mapping all variables in a subset of the data frame? Maybe MakeLazyDataFrame or Alias?
you can build a chain (or equivalently pass to RDF’s ctor) different trees with different branches and process them in the same event loop as long as you only touch the branches they have in common. This does not seem to be your case, so you cannot run the same exact computation graph on all these trees in one event loop that chains the trees one after the other. RDF assumes that all trees in a chain have the same schema (at least for what concerns the branches you use). @swunsch and I are looking into relaxing this requirement a bit, but there is nothing in RDF at the moment.
What you can do is run separate event loops in separate computation graphs, but reuse code:
results = {}
for f in files:
df = ROOT.RDataFrame("treename", f)
col_names = df.GetColumnNames()
df = df.Alias("lepton_pt", "muon_pt" if "muon_pt" in col_names else "tau_pt")
# now this function can assume that a "lepton_pt" branch is always present
df = transform_df_as_you_wish(df)
results[f] = df.Histo("lepton_pt")
I am not 100% sure I answered the question, but let’s go from here
With Enrico’s suggestion, you are almost there. If you Snapshot for each input file, you will be left with a bunch of output files.
You can hadd those to merge the trees.
It’s not the most efficient solution, but at least you can do this “off the shelf”.
Hmmm ok. So at the Snapshot stage I’d have to drop all the rtfs into a new file (with just the common branches) then read them all into a new rdf. Seems kinda messy but doable. Do I need the intermediary output files?
I think so. The problem is that RDF (just like TChain) makes the assumption that the trees you run on in a single event loop (i.e. the trees you chain/concatenate into a full dataset) all have the same schema.
This is baked into the API, e.g. df.GetColumnNames() would lose meaning if there was no single list of valid column names.
Depends. You can either hadd all into one file and throw them away or you put all the intermediate files in a new dataframe. I like the latter approach, because there is no merging step, but the former approach will result in only one file in case you want to keep it longer.