Memory usage issue in RDataFrame snapshot

Dear ROOT experts,

I am trying to sort the events in TTree containing hundreds of branches and ~million events using RDataFrame.
The TTree has branches named GenModel_TChiWH_950_400, GenModel_TChiWH_900_400, ..... etc. For any given event only one of these is true and all other similar branches are false. So I want to create multiple root files by sorting the events according to GenModel_TChiWH_*. For example, I need to create SortedFile_GenModel_TChiWH_950_50.root in which all events belong to GenModel_TChiWH_950_50 == true.

Here is the script [1] I have. The issue I am facing is that the memory usage keeps growing as the files are produced. At the end, I think it consumes about 2.5 GB for an input file of 221 MB and ~130k events.

Is there a way to “clear some memory” inside the for loop? I am fine with increased computing time by some amount. I have turned off multi-threading since it reduces the memory usage to some extent.


_ROOT Version: 6.26/07
_Platform: AlmaLinux release 9.4 (Seafoam Ocelot)
Compiler: Not Provided


import ROOT as rt
import sys

# rt.EnableImplicitMT() # Enable multi-threading. Not that helpful for this code. Can save some memory with single thread.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Usage: python3 <In_root_file> <OutFile string>")
    file_path = sys.argv[1]
    outFnameSt = sys.argv[2]

    print("Starting analysis")

    tree_name = "Events"
    df = rt.RDataFrame(tree_name, file_path)
    Nentries = df.Count().GetValue()
    print("Number of events:", Nentries)

    # Get all branch names
    branch_names = df.GetColumnNames()
    # print(branch_names)
    # Extract mass pairs from branch names
    branchNamePatr = "GenModel_TChiWH_" # There are branches named GenModel_TChiWH_950_50, GenModel_TChiWH_950_400, etc. For a given event only one of these GenModel_TChiWH_* are 1 (true). Other GenModel_TChiWH_* are set to 0 (false).
    mass_pairs = []
    outFileNames = []
    totalEvents = 0
    for branch in branch_names:
        branch_str = str(branch)
        if str(branchNamePatr) in branch_str:
            mXY = branch_str.split('_')[-2::]
            mX = float(mXY[0])
            mY = float(mXY[1])
            mass_pairs.append((mX, mY, branch_str))
            df_temp = df.Filter(f"({branch} == 1)")
            outName = outFnameSt+"_"+str(int(mX))+"_"+str(int(mY))+".root"
            print("Creating file",outName)
            df_temp.Snapshot("Events",outName) # write a TTree that contains events in which only GenModel_TChiWH_950_400 is true, for example.


Thanks for the post and welcome to the ROOT Community!

You are using a rather old version of ROOT, especially when considering RDF. Do you see the same behaviour with ROOT 6.32.04, the latest stable?


Hi Danilo,

Here is the comparison carried out on a different machine.
ROOT 6.32.04 : 1.2 GB
ROOT 6.30/07 : 3.8 GB.

So, the latest version does consume less memory. But still the usage was going up as the job progressed.


Hi Danilo, experts,

I just wanted to check if we have any fix for this increasing memory consumption?


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Hi Vinay,

I must have missed your post.
Moving to the latest stable seems a good thing to do at this point, irrespectively of anything else…

Now, for the memory consumption: have you perhaps tried to rebuild the RDF for every iteration in the loop instead of growing the computation graph?
