Memory leak in TTree in root-5.28.00(a-d)

Dear ROOTers,

attached I have a little program which shows there seems somewhere a memory leak in TTree, TBranch, TLeaf in root-5.28.00(d) (I have no clue where), which is absent in root-5.26.00.

The program is an excerpt from a longer program and hence might look a little bit odd. In case there is an obvious bug there, please let me know.

I am using Scientific Linux 5.4, gcc/g++ 4.1.3
root_mem_check.tar.gz (1.64 KB)


I can not reproduce the problem (i.e. running you example with 5.28/00d does not show any increase in memory over time).


On all our machines (kernel 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5PAE) the program root_mem_check grows over time on root-5.28.00(a-d) as monitored by top. This is not the case for root-5.26.00.

On what system did you check (linux distribution, compiler, kernel)?

I furthermore checked it on a Fedora 15 system (gcc 4.6): the very same behavior, i.e. root_mem_check is eating up more and more memory. This is not the case for root-5.26.00


I ran with v5.28/00d on Fedora Core 13 ( with gcc 4.4.5.
I also ran the test through valgrind --tool=massif and also so constant memory use.
