Maximum Amplitude Histogram-Finding Multiple Peaks

Hello dear friends, i am currently working on a maximum amplitude histogram from a LED signal which i know it supposed to have multiple peaks (Right one left one is from the noise). However when i configure the bins and stuff, i really could not make it such as in my histogram shows multiple peaks, it has only one. Also, i need to make Gauss fit on those peaks. Could you please help me about that? How can i achieve, it is really important for me :slight_smile:
Note: I forgot the change name of the x axis
Thanks for your time.

ROOT Version: 6.34.04
Platform: Ubuntu 24.04
Compiler: Not Provided

Welcome on the ROOT Forum!
Maybe @jonas can help

EDIT: You can also take a look at the Fit tutorials, for example multifit.C, and the RooFit tutorials for example rf501__simultaneouspdf.C

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Hi! The multifit.C tutorial that Bertrand linked is exactly answering your question. If you want to use RooFit however, the analogous tutorial would be rf208_composite.C. A “simultaneous” or “combined” fit is something else in HEP jargon: it means fitting multiple datasets/histograms at the same time, with different functions that share some parameters.