MathCore issue

I just upgraded from 5.17 to 5.20. When I attempt to compile using:
g++ nt.cpp /usr/local/root/bin/root-config --cflags --libs -g -o test
I now get error:
/tmp/cchSGb74.o(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZNK4ROOT4Math9PxPyPzE4DIdE1MEv+0xe5): In function ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double>::M() const': /usr/local/root/include/Math/GenVector/PxPyPzE4D.h:161: undefined reference toROOT::Math::Throw(ROOT::Math::GenVector_exception&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

This is precisely the error I used to get with 5.17 if I didn’t add -lMathCore to the compiler command. However, isn’t this library now included in the root-config command? Adding the library in manually again doesn’t work. Is there another library that now has to be linked?

see the ROOT version 5.20 release notes, in particular the Math section about GenVector at :
