Manipulating graphs obtained using TTree::Draw

I would like to edit a graph created from a TTree (either manually or using the C++ code created with the TCanvas::SaveAs method). Unfortunately I can only change the axis names, while I cannot edit the graph (or histogram) title nor remove it (when I right-click the title removing the pave text, if I try to change it the previous title reappears).

Is there any way to achieve it?
And, additionally, if I batch-draw more than one TGraph, are all these graphs named “htemp”, or there is some way to access them (i.e. I would like to create a TMultiGraph from these TTree::Draw-created graphs).

[quote]Is there any way to achieve it? [/quote]Do myhisto->SetTitle("").

[quote]And, additionally, if I batch-draw more than one TGraph, are all these graphs named “htemp”, or there is some way to access them (i.e. I would like to create a TMultiGraph from these TTree::Draw-created graphs).[/quote]Actually, the histo are named htemp, the graph are named Graph. You can find them using:TIter iter( mypad->GetListOfPrimitives() ); TObject *obj; while ( (obj = iter()) ) { if (obj->IsA() == TGraph::Class()) { // Found one of the graphs. } }
