MakeProxy in root 4.04/02b

I am trying to use MakeProxy(in 4.04/02b) on a root tree that has been processed with the same release. I use the following commands:

gSystem -> Load(“”);
TChain *chainsr = new TChain(“cnt”);

For testing purposes, sum.C doesn’t have anything except a print statement. I am attaching one of the root files that I am using. In the past I have used MakeProxy (with root 4.04/02b ) on root files processed with an older root version and it worked fine.
The seg fault message is:

Fatal in ROOT::TBranchProxyClassDescriptor:: strcmp(fInfo->GetName(), type)==0 violated at line 58 of `treeplayer/src/TBranchProxyClassDescriptor.cxx’
Generating stack trace…
0x01b70d40 in ROOT::TBranchProxyClassDescriptor::TBranchProxyClassDescriptor(char const*, TStreamerInfo*, char const*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 0x222 from/projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x01bafc6c in ROOT::TTreeProxyGenerator::AnalyzeTree(TTree*) + 0x308 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x01baaa34 in ROOT::TTreeProxyGenerator::TTreeProxyGenerator(TTree*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, unsigned int) + 0x314 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x01ba40e2 in TTreePlayer::MakeProxy(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int) + 0x6a from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x06ddd5ba in TTree::MakeProxy(char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, int) + 0x54 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x06df9eaf in from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x00864f2d in G__call_cppfunc + 0x2c6 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x00853a18 in G__interpret_func + 0x7ac from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x008364eb in G__getfunction + 0x13f0 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x008d3182 in G__getstructmem + 0x8b4 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x008c9b90 in G__getvariable + 0x4fe from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x0082c8e3 in G__getitem + 0x52a from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x0082b321 in G__getexpr + 0x7c05 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x0087e597 in G__exec_function + 0xc7 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x00886721 in G__exec_statement + 0x337f from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x008125c7 in G__exec_tempfile_core + 0x2f9 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x008127cb in G__exec_tempfile + 0x22 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x0088f035 in G__process_cmd + 0x48f9 from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/
0x002d17a5 in TCint::ProcessLine(char const*, TInterpreter::EErrorCode*) + 0xaf from /projects/903/debdatta/genie-installation/ext/root_4.04_02b/lib/

                -thanks Debdatta.

reduced.N00008257_0002.spill.sntp.R1_18.0.root (88.3 KB)


This particular problem was solved in the CVS repository (post 4.04/02) on July 6h. Today (Aug 18), I uploaded additional fixes that we needed to process your file.
So If you download ROOT from CVS as of today, you will be able to process your file.

Thanks for reporting this issue.