Makefile:143: *** Error: main91 requires ROOT. Stop

I am trying to configure ROOT in PYTHIA8. I have used
./configure –with-root= /home/mihir/Desktop/Root/root/obj/bin/ in root directory.
but while running make main92 command in PYTHIA, it is showing me this error.
Makefile:143: *** Error: main91 requires ROOT. Stop.

Please help me.
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code

_ROOT Version:6.24.00
_Compiler: C++

This looks to be an error in Pythia and not in ROOT, probably you need to do this, but you should check the documentation in Pythia

.  /home/mihir/Desktop/Root/root/obj/bin/
./configure –with-root= /home/mihir/Desktop/Root/root/obj

where you pass the top level ROOT directory (e.g. $ROOTSYS)


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