Make install and search for headers


It seems I’m doing something wrong with the installation of custom ROOT libs, but I can’t se where and why.

I made a small example one can find here:

git clone
cd root_test

The small scripts do (assuming root has been configured):

  • Compile a small “” lib b(under pwd/build), and install it (under pwd/local")
  • Run the test1.C script, that just load that lib once (it works)
  • Erase the source .h file (not the installed ones)
  • Run again test1.C and one (and only one) of the .h file is not found (it’s only looked for at source location, the other being rightly find at install location).

I don’t understand that behavior. The only thing that I could see is that the source file location is hardcoded in the pcm file, which is not very useful, as they are then installed, and may be where that incorrect patrh is taken from (but then why only for one file?).

Could someone enlighten me?


ROOT Version: 6.32.04
Platform: Alma9
Compiler: g++ (GCC) 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3)

Hi @YannickPatois,

thank you for the reproducer and explanation. Maybe @bellenot could help here?


No idea, but I’ll try to figure it out, or find someone who knows…

Looking at this error message:

Error in cling::AutoLoadingVisitor::InsertIntoAutoLoadingState:
   Missing FileEntry for /home/ubuntu/rootdev/forum/YannickPatois/root_test/TTAB.h
   requested to autoload type TTMAB

I guess maybe @vvassilev can help?