Make a histogram

hi experts
I wrote a code for calculating efficiency in 4 channels,two of these channels (SR1,SR2) are hadronic and two other channels(E-Tau,Mu-Tau) are leptonic-hadronic. i want to make a TAU-Pt histogram for hadronic and leptonic-hadronic channels. i defined these two histogram and fill them in each channel. but it did not work. how can i solve my problem?
WpWp.cxx (18.7 KB)

Hi Leila,

By showing some code maybe?

Cheers, Bertrand.

sorry i forgot to attach the file #-o :confused:
WpWp.cxx (18.7 KB)

OK, thanks. And how does it fail? (since I cannot try it…)

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :blush: :blush: :blush:
Davismt2.h (1.91 KB)
LHEF.h (9.89 KB)

and you also need a root file too, i could not attach it cause it is too long, i think it is better to solve it myself, thanks alot

Well, if it is available somewhere via http, I can try… Otherwise a subset of it, or just explain how it fails (empty histogram?)

EDIT: And those files are missing too:

#include "Tauola/Tauola.h" #include "Tauola/TauolaHEPEVTParticle.h" #include "Tauola/TauolaHEPEVTEvent.h"

Cheers, Bertrand.

there is not any error but it does not make a histogram. it just calculates efficiencies!!! is there any problem in definition of histogram?


#include <TLorentzVector.h>

TH1* hTauPt_hadhad, hTauPt_lhad;


/** Example of using Tauola to decay taus stored in HEPEVT-like event record */
int main(){
   hTauPt_hadhad = new TH1D("hTauPt_hadhad" , "p_{T}^{#tau_hadhad}" , 40 , 0 , 400 );
   hTauPt_lhad = new TH1D("hTauPt_lhad" , "p_{T}^{#tau_lhad}" , 40 , 0 , 400 );
  //These three lines are not really necessary since they are the default