Hi Piet,
I was able to get the guys who operate our cluster computer system implement a version of AvalancheMicroscopic.cc with the code you suggested. They also went ahead and updated Garfield to the current master version (was 4.0).
The bug still persists but it now spits out some information which I’ve included in the table below.
------------ Processing Event: 28/999 ----------------
ne = 253644 ni = 253777 event 28
------------ Processing Event: 29/999 ----------------
Rate at 7752.6 eV is not included in the current table.
Increasing energy range to 8140.23 eV.
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21282.4 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.170178,0.168233,0.151258,25.6814
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = 0.038987,0.00910617,-0.144873,6.42227
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -4.09322e+06,-2.85201e+07,4.48628e+06
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21274.3 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.170081,0.167515,0.151346,25.6816
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18055,-8.48821,1.19177,21282.4
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 331.393,31071.9,-33287.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21253.4 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.17005,0.167288,0.151378,25.6816
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18054,-8.48675,1.19021,21274.3
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 2286.91,17615.7,-32279.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21254 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.16992,0.166358,0.151508,25.6817
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18009,-8.48335,1.18398,21253.4
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -2591.94,-9180.55,-12586.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21258.9 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169909,0.166276,0.15152,25.6818
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18014,-8.4835,1.18377,21254
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -2040.81,-11030.7,-15684.4
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21265.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169834,0.165742,0.151594,25.6818
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18036,-8.48473,1.18203,21258.9
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 1572.34,-23163.2,-35997.3
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21276.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169786,0.165391,0.151643,25.6819
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18025,-8.48641,1.17941,21265.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -4064.51,-34851.8,-47063.2
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21290.7 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169729,0.164987,0.151699,25.6819
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18059,-8.48933,1.17547,21276.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 173.297,-32644.6,-61730.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21296.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169649,0.16441,0.151779,25.682
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18057,-8.49323,1.1681,21290.7
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 218.667,-29640.8,-71822.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21307.1 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169606,0.164103,0.151821,25.682
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18055,-8.49512,1.16352,21296.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 45.7935,-28564.3,-75667.2
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21312.5 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169528,0.16354,0.151898,25.6821
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18055,-8.49845,1.1547,21307.1
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -550.172,-23860.7,-80398.4
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21318.7 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169471,0.163125,0.151954,25.6821
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.1806,-8.5005,1.1478,21312.5
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 164.428,-21022.3,-82168.7
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21323.5 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169384,0.162502,0.152038,25.6822
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.5032,1.13721,21318.7
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -39.136,-18130.8,-84059.4
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21324 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169288,0.16181,0.15213,25.6823
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.5058,1.12519,21323.5
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 7.76145,-15642.4,-85172.7
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21324.4 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169272,0.161695,0.152145,25.6823
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.50617,1.12316,21324
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 7.40774,-15296.3,-85312.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21325.3 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169258,0.161594,0.152158,25.6823
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.50649,1.12138,21324.4
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 4.49555,-14999.2,-85432.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21326.5 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169226,0.161361,0.152189,25.6823
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.50721,1.11726,21325.3
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -11.0965,-14330.3,-85708.5
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21327.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169171,0.160965,0.152241,25.6824
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.50839,1.11024,21326.5
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 19.609,-13191.2,-86306.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21327.6 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169126,0.160643,0.152283,25.6824
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.50926,1.10449,21327.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 18.741,-12425.2,-86753.7
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21327.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169074,0.16027,0.152331,25.6825
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.51022,1.09782,21327.6
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 10.5689,-11744.4,-87201.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21327.6 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.169023,0.1599,0.152379,25.6825
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18058,-8.51112,1.09115,21327.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 40.5245,-10935.4,-87526
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21327.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.168686,0.157473,0.152683,25.6828
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18056,-8.5166,1.04726,21327.6
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 60.321,-7149.46,-89533.5
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21326.7 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.168672,0.157366,0.152696,25.6828
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18056,-8.51676,1.04529,21327.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 60.6764,-7010.05,-89612.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21322.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.168653,0.157233,0.152713,25.6828
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18055,-8.51695,1.04282,21326.7
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 61.139,-6836.6,-89711.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21321.7 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.168519,0.156261,0.152831,25.6829
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18054,-8.51832,1.02482,21322.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 71.4527,-5752.6,-90443.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21320.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.16849,0.156058,0.152855,25.683
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18054,-8.51857,1.02103,21321.7
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 72.4875,-5531.67,-90544.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21304 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.168466,0.155883,0.152876,25.683
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18054,-8.51877,1.01775,21320.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 73.4132,-5341.46,-90632
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21296.1 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.168017,0.152642,0.153252,25.6834
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18049,-8.52234,0.957128,21304
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 127.782,-2435.07,-91640.4
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21294.3 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167876,0.15162,0.153365,25.6835
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18046,-8.52285,0.937788,21296.1
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 116.871,-1538.03,-91543.3
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21289.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167847,0.151414,0.153388,25.6835
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18046,-8.52292,0.933909,21294.3
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 109.467,-1342.97,-91521
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21283.6 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167775,0.150896,0.153444,25.6836
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18044,-8.52306,0.924112,21289.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 99.4974,-867.997,-91413.2
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21277.9 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167679,0.150199,0.153519,25.6836
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18043,-8.52319,0.910975,21283.6
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 134.378,-286.334,-91229.3
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21265.4 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167596,0.149599,0.153583,25.6837
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18041,-8.52322,0.899684,21277.9
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 155.363,297.446,-91095.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21264.8 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167418,0.14832,0.153716,25.6839
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18037,-8.52314,0.875631,21265.4
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 262.31,1515.95,-90995.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21252.5 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167411,0.148269,0.153722,25.6839
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18037,-8.52313,0.874671,21264.8
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 264.709,1562.55,-90992.2
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21231.6 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167253,0.147126,0.153837,25.684
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18031,-8.52276,0.853214,21252.5
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 311.777,2593.72,-90895.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21230.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.167003,0.145318,0.154015,25.6842
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18019,-8.52179,0.819292,21231.6
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 250.854,3865.79,-90601.5
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21224.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.166988,0.14521,0.154025,25.6842
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18018,-8.5217,0.817269,21230.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 285.186,3977.39,-90523.3
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21221.5 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.166922,0.144737,0.15407,25.6843
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18016,-8.52132,0.808447,21224.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 301.575,4335.68,-90281.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 21218.5 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.166893,0.144523,0.154091,25.6843
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -1.18014,-8.52113,0.804449,21221.5
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 305.164,4367.11,-90120.7
There was also a seperate event with similar occurences,
------------ Processing Event: 9/999 ----------------
Rate at 264.781 eV is not included in the current table.
Increasing energy range to 278.021 eV.
Rate at 472.515 eV is not included in the current table.
Increasing energy range to 496.141 eV.
Rate at 1450.5 eV is not included in the current table.
Increasing energy range to 1523.02 eV.
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11952.3 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230158,0.201613,0.151606,24.3665
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = 0.095571,-0.140273,-0.111639,11.7333
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -776403,-2.28315e+07,6.07216e+06
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11946.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230156,0.201119,0.151715,24.3667
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.113922,-6.30079,1.52678,11952.3
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -1746.98,28161.9,-49668.6
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11938.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230154,0.200966,0.151752,24.3667
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.113997,-6.29959,1.52466,11946.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -2084.8,26574.5,-47106.2
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11928 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.23015,0.200755,0.151803,24.3667
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114119,-6.29802,1.52188,11938.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -144.169,18331.4,-40826.5
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11924.3 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230143,0.200394,0.15189,24.3668
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114134,-6.29618,1.51777,11928
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -437.065,10498.2,-39921.4
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11923.9 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.23014,0.20021,0.151934,24.3668
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114156,-6.29564,1.51572,11924.3
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -893.921,4144.25,-40514.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11923.9 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230139,0.200182,0.151941,24.3668
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114164,-6.2956,1.5154,11923.9
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -964.036,3169.2,-40605
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11917.6 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230139,0.20018,0.151942,24.3668
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114164,-6.2956,1.51538,11923.9
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -967.652,3118.91,-40609.7
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11917.2 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230131,0.199692,0.152059,24.3669
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114296,-6.29518,1.50983,11917.6
Electric field at (x,y,z) = -287.179,-7195.19,-44166.7
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11917 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230128,0.199552,0.152092,24.3669
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114307,-6.29546,1.50811,11917.2
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 53.1517,-9344.4,-45317.8
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11917 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230126,0.199442,0.152119,24.367
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114306,-6.29574,1.50672,11917
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 322.331,-11044.4,-46227.9
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11917 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230124,0.199324,0.152147,24.367
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114295,-6.29611,1.5052,11917
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 609.106,-12855.7,-47197.1
Kinetic energy above my arbitrary transport cut: new Energy = 11918.4 eV.
Electron coordinates (x,y,z,t) = 0.230123,0.199289,0.152155,24.367
Electron energy and velocity (vx,vy,vz,E) = -0.114289,-6.29624,1.50473,11917
Electric field at (x,y,z) = 695.877,-13403.8,-47490.2
This was for the 50-60kV/cm field strength in the gap, as pictured above.
I do see that at some points there’s an electric field strength that goes above 4.e6 which seems odd, as the image suggests that there’s nothing above 1.5e5 V/cm.
Also oddly enough, the field seems to take negative values at various of these points (where I’m sure they should be positive). It also seems that these extremely high field values occure at similar z values, around 0.151cm.