I’m trying to start research with machine learning(with tensorflow). I want to discriminate signal and background with waveform.
So, I have to handle with root format file but I just heard something that I should convert root file to h5 format for machine learning.
I’ve searched a lot and lot on google about “convert root to h5” and I found something like root_pandas/root_numpy library and uproot something. But I don’t know how to start exactly and apply with my data files. I cannot get any ideas though I read the git page.
If you guys know about these machine learning 101 in particle physics experiment(especially machine learning with root file) please share me some good study materials.
Ah, and please teach me about how to use uproot to convert file format.
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: Not Provided
Platform: Not Provided
Compiler: Not Provided