Lots of "Note: .." messages

Hi all,

I’m running OSX 10.5 using fink’s root (Version 5.21/06) and when I run my root application I get a bunch of this messages:
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libRIO.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libRIO.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMatrix.so” already loaded

I compiled my application with:
CXXFLAGS = -O3 -g $(shell root-config --cflags)
LDFLAGS = $(shell root-config --libs)

So my questions are:
Why I am getting these messages? How to turn it off? Or this is a problem with the fink build (so should I build root myself)?



root-config --config
macosx --prefix=/sw --etcdir=/sw/etc/root --docdir=/sw/share/doc/root5-devel-cernlib-geant4 --libdir=/sw/lib/root --testdir=/sw/share/root/test --tutdir=/sw/share/root/tutorials --with-mysql-incdir=/sw/include/mysql --with-mysql-libdir=/sw/lib/mysql --with-xml-incdir=/sw/include/libxml2 --with-xml-libdir=/sw/lib --with-fftw3-incdir=/sw/include --with-fftw3-libdir=/sw/lib --with-clhep-incdir=/sw/include --disable-builtin-zlib --disable-builtin-pcre --disable-builtin-freetype --disable-builtin_ftgl --enable-soversion --enable-rpath --disable-afs --enable-roofit --enable-minuit2 --enable-table --enable-ruby --enable-gdml --enable-unuran --with-pythia6-libdir=/sw/lib/root --with-pythia8-libdir=/sw/lib --with-pythia8-incdir=/sw/include/pythia8 --with-f77=/sw/bin/gfortran --enable-g4root --disable-qt --disable-qtgsi


Does the fink build have .dylib files in $ROOTSYS/lib?



Does the fink build have .dylib files in $ROOTSYS/lib?


yes, it does. During compilations there is no problem, everything is normal. I get these errors when I’m starting my applications. If I run root from terminal no problem reported… BTW my programs running fine, just these messages…

I am also getting these messages while running a few of the test binaries like stressSpectrum, but not with “Event”…




So this means that the bundle was build with Mac OS 10.4.
You should be able to get rid of these message by rebuilding ROOT on your machine.



So this means that the bundle was build with Mac OS 10.4.
You should be able to get rid of these message by rebuilding ROOT on your machine.


well I used fink to build it from source, not prebuild. However I found some old files in ROOT’s etc directory so maybe it was not cleaned perfectly by apt during update(?). I am removed those and currently I am rebuilding it with apt from source…I will let you know if is ok or not…

Thanks again,



In particular make sure configure was re-run (check the date of $ROOTSYS/config.status)



In particular make sure configure was re-run (check the date of $ROOTSYS/config.status)


Dear Philippe,

I have checked config.status, it is newly created… However when I build the root package with apt, the $ROOTSYS/etc/system.rootrc is not copied into the deb package (I belive I should report this to the package maintainer…)
so i used an old version… since this file is created during configure, I created a new one (same conf flags were used) and I copied it to the right place…Result: I get the problem back again…

Tomorrow I will check what’s wrong with this file…



I forget to mention, if I start root from terminal I don’t get any error, but if I start a TBrowser a; then I get again:

ROOT 5.21/06 (trunk@26464, De 11 2008, 20:24:00 on macosx)

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.16.29, Jan 08, 2008
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] TBrowser a;
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded


I still have this problem. I compiled root (5.22.00) from source with the following config on Mac osx 10.5.6:

macosx --prefix=/sw --etcdir=/sw/etc/root --docdir=/sw/share/doc/root5-devel-cernlib-geant4 --libdir=/sw/lib/root --testdir=/sw/share/root/test --tutdir=/sw/share/root/tutorials --with-mysql-incdir=/sw/include/mysql --with-mysql-libdir=/sw/lib/mysql --with-xml-incdir=/sw/include/libxml2 --with-xml-libdir=/sw/lib --with-fftw3-incdir=/sw/include --with-fftw3-libdir=/sw/lib --with-clhep-incdir=/sw/include --disable-builtin-zlib --disable-builtin-pcre --disable-builtin-freetype --disable-builtin_ftgl --enable-soversion --enable-rpath --disable-afs --enable-roofit --enable-minuit2 --enable-table --enable-ruby --enable-gdml --enable-unuran --with-pythia6-libdir=/sw/lib/root --with-pythia8-libdir=/sw/lib --with-pythia8-incdir=/sw/include/pythia8 --with-f77=/sw/bin/gfortran --enable-g4root --disable-qt --disable-qtgsi

any idea why I have these warnings?


  •                                     *
  •    W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  •                                     *
  • Version 5.22/00 17 December 2008 *
  •                                     *
  • You are welcome to visit our Web site *
  •      [root.cern.ch](http://root.cern.ch)            *
  •                                     *

ROOT 5.22/00 (trunk@26997, De 23 2008, 13:30:00 on macosx)

CINT/ROOT C/C++ Interpreter version 5.16.29, Jan 08, 2008
Type ? for help. Commands must be C++ statements.
Enclose multiple statements between { }.
root [0] TBrowser a;
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
Note: File “/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.so” already loaded
root [1]




Do you still have .dylib files in either the ‘lib’ directory in the source tree or in /sw/lib/root? With Mac osx 10.5.6, those file should not be produced.


PS. So far I can not reproduce the problem. Of note is the fact that my machine is 64 bit while yours appear to be 32 bits (is it a powerpc or intel?)

Hello Philippe,

No, I don’t have dylib files…(the original fink version of root creates dylib, but I removed this package from fink…).
I have built root in 32bit mode (otherwise I have to recompile geant4, fftw etc to be 64bit as well). Despite this problem ROOT works fine…so I clue less right now… I am using XQuartz and I am linking root with many libraries created by fink (geant4, root pythia, fftw, cern, etc…) and all of this is on HFS+ (eg. case sensitive file system).

Thanks anyway,



Do you still have .dylib files in either the ‘lib’ directory in the source tree or in /sw/lib/root? With Mac osx 10.5.6, those file should not be produced.


PS. So far I can not reproduce the problem. Of note is the fact that my machine is 64 bit while yours appear to be 32 bits (is it a powerpc or intel?)[/quote]

Hi there,

Is there any development or any recipe found to get rid of these messages?
I just built root 5.22.00 in my laptop (PPC G4 with OS X 10.4) and every single time I load a module or open a browser I get

Is it something that just showed up in v5.22.
I usually build my own version because I need the source tree as well and this is the very first time I compiled this particular version.

I always have multiple versions installed (release compatibility), so each install goes into a different place (clean install).

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


the fink version still build .dylib, with the .so as softlinks to the dylib. This is done to keep backwards-compatibility with the package description for 10.4.

Anyway, I believe the problem originates from the fact, that root.exe is already linked with libCore, libCint, libMathCore, and libRint:

otool -L /sw/bin/root.exe
/sw/lib/root/libCore.5.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.22.0)
/sw/lib/root/libCint.5.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.22.0)
/sw/lib/root/libMathCore.5.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.22.0)
/sw/lib/root/libRint.5.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.22.0)

When the MathCore plugin (.so) is loaded, the linker complains that the same library is already loaded (the .dylib).

Removing the libMathCore entries from the *rootmaps [1] avoids the warnings. However, I do not know if this causes problems down the road. Therefore, I preferred to live with the harmless warnings.


[1] sudo sed -i -re ‘s/libMathCore.so//g’ /sw/lib/root/*rootmap


otool -L /sw/bin/root.exe .... /sw/lib/root/libMathCore.5.dylib (compatibility version 5.0.0, current version 5.22.0) ...
I don’t know how you get there :wink: (but then again I only have access to 10.3 and 10.5).
(Can you send me a ‘tar’ ball of the distribution with dylib?)

Anyway, I am guessing that the problem is that ROOT does not known that libMathCore.5.dylib nad
libMathCore.so are the same library but somehow CINT does …

[quote]Removing the libMathCore entries from the *rootmaps [1] avoids the warnings[/quote] is a good work-around since that library is already linked to the executable …
