Looping over an object's attributes

I have the following code, which reads and prints out information for events in a tree:

import ROOT

file = ROOT.TFile("main.root","read")
tree = file.Get("MyTree")

for event in tree:
	print event.pT_1jet, event.pT_2jet, event.pT_3jet

Here I’m giving the explicit name of my variables because my problem is actually about generalizing this code to many more jets (without knowing a priori how many actually exist in the root file) and being able to access the ones of interest (satisfying a given condition). I tried the following:

import ROOT

file = ROOT.TFile("main.root","read")
tree = file.Get("MyTree")

for event in tree:
	for jetnumber in range(1,event.nj_good): #nj_good is the number of "good" jets in the event           
        	thisJetPTvariable = "pT_" + str(jetnumber) +"jet"
        	print entry.thisJetPTvariable

which causes an error

AttributeError: 'TTree' object has no attribute 'thisJetPTvariable'

So my question is then: how do I call a function whose name I’m looping over?

import ROOT

file = ROOT.TFile("main.root","read")
tree = file.Get("MyTree")

for event in tree:
   for jetnumber in range(1,event.nj_good): #nj_good is the number of "good" jets in the event      
        thisJetPTvariable = "pT_" + str(jetnumber) +"jet"
        thisJetPT = getattr(event,thisJetPTvariable)
        print thisJetPT