I am trying to display ROOT files coming from a remote server.
I need to execute a remote “php” script to get a list of these files, so I think I want to play with my own “localhost” JSROOT server.
I downloaded the latest JSROOT binary distribution and unpacked it into a “./jsroot” directory.
I then created a “./browser” directory with a simple “index.htm” file (see below).
I start my server using “python3 -m http.server” and then point my browser to “http://localhost:8000/browser”.
Unfortunately, no matter where I put the call to the “remoteFileList()” function, neither the “path” nor the “files” gets updated (I am sure that both values are correct in this function).
Note: a local JSROOT distribution/server is NOT really required, of course. One just needs to replace the “../jsroot” string (in two places) with the “https://root.cern/js/latest” or the “https://root.cern/js/dev” string and then use the “Open File” option of the web browser (it may be convenient to rename “index.htm” into, e.g., “browser.htm”).
I have finally understood the problem … and a simple solution is to set “async:false” (I modified the “index.htm” in my first post here so that it can be “successfully re-used”):
async: false,
Note: this generates a harmless “Web Console” output warning: “Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/”
I didn’t want to modify the “module part” as this is something specific to the current JSROOT version (so it may change in the future, and then I would again need to fight with my custom modifications).
Can I add something in my “index.htm” to enable CORS?
I can use the “Open File” option of the web browser, instead of running a “localhost” server, if that helps.
Can I somehow enable CORS on my"localhost" server (i.e., “python3 -m http.server”)?
I’ve found some scripts on the Internet that create another server that enables CORS, so this may be a solution.
Thanks. That’s more or less what other scripts are doing, too.
However, I am trying to tinker with a solution for “inexperienced users”, and I started to think the “Open File” approach (i.e., no “localhost” server) will be easier for them.
So, is there anything I can add to the “index.htm” itself?
Well, if I use “File Open” (i.e., “file://”) in the browser, then this browser is the “server”, too.
On the other hand, the “CORS Everywhere” plugin (and there exist other similar plugins) is just a big javascript, I guess.
So, I’ve been thinking that some heavily cut-down version might exist that could be incorporated into a user’s file (just for this file).
In my “index.htm”, I explicitly embed the “username” and “password”.
They are needed for both, getting the list of “files” and then accessing them with the full “path”.
Is there any simple way to ask the user to provide the required credentials at “run time”, like the usual “this site is asking you to sign in” dialog window?
Unfortunately, this only works when getting the list of “files” in the “remoteFileList” function. The given credentials are not (re)used in the “simpleGUI” when it accesses the “path” later.
As I see, you code user and password into path attribute for the files.
You want that this information will be requested when opening the file?
But in principle you can edit full file URL directly in the GUI.