Loading dylibs

I’m trying to load a dylib through the logon script. The line of interest looks like this:


I’ve tried it with libFrame.a and libFrame.dylib, both give the same results:

dlopen error: dlopen(/Users/chrispankow/wat/v6r20/Darwin/libFrame.a, 9): no suitable image found.  Did find:
        /Users/chrispankow/ligotools/lib/libFrame.a: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A
        /Users/chrispankow/wat/v6r20/Darwin/libFrame.a: unknown file type, first eight bytes: 0x21 0x3C 0x61 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x3E 0x0A
Load Error: Failed to load Dynamic link library /Users/chrispankow/wat/v6r20/Darwin/libFrame.a

I’m almost certain that this is related to the fact I’m running an intel mac.

[quote]/Users/chrispankow/wat/v6r20/Darwin/libFrame.a[/quote]This extension (.a) usually indicates a static library which can not be loaded at run-time. You may need to create a ‘shared library’ version of your library.
