List of TH1F is not returned from the function

I have recently made ‘brew upgrade’ (that was not a proper intension)
Now I can not get a list of TH1F from function in python 3.8 .
How should it be done?
The code takes a list of filenames and TH1F name and should give the list of TH1Fs
The code is below:

def get_hists(file_names, hist_name, mark):
    NPoints = len(file_names)
    h_array = [TH1F for y in range(0,NPoints)]
    f = [TFile for y in range(0,NPoints)]

    for i in range(0,NPoints):
        f[i] = TFile.Open(file_names[i])
        hist_new_name = hist_name+'_{0:d}'.format(i)+mark 
        h = f[i].Get(hist_name).Clone(hist_new_name) 
        h_array[i] = h  
    return h_array

This is how it is implemented:

files = ['FIle_0.root',...,'File_20.root']
h_array  = [TH1F for i in range(0,NPoints)]
h_array  = get_hists(files  , 'h_y_endpoint', '_B0_i'  )

c = TCanvas()

All the list elements have ‘None’ type.
When I draw inside the function in the loop everything is OK.
But as soon as the file is changed, the histogram is ‘None’.
The error is:
File “./”, line 268, in
AttributeError: ‘CPyCppyy_NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘Draw’

Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code

ROOT Version: 6.22/00
Platform: MAC OS 10.15.4
Compiler: Apple clang version 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.59)

I think @etejedor can help you with this issue


From reading the code I don’t see any obvious problem, since you are cloning the histograms, so that when the files are destroyed you should keep the cloned ones (their references are stored in h_array).

What happens if, after the loop (still inside the function), you try to Draw h_array[0]?

Inside the function, it works without errors
Here is how print (h_array) works before (0), inside (1) and after (2) the function

h_array = get_hists(files , ‘h_y_endpoint’, ‘_B0_i’ )

0: [<class cppyy.gbl.TH1F at 0x7fbdd9606f80>, …, <class cppyy.gbl.TH1F at 0x7fbdd9606f80>]
1: [<cppyy.gbl.TH1F object at 0x7fbdd9d85840>, …, <cppyy.gbl.TH1F object at 0x7fbdd93e5560>]
2: [None, None, None, …, None]

Ok thank you, can you let me know what ROOT version you were using before so I can compare?

I think it was 20.04, I will try to switch back to it

By the way,
Are you aware of this thing?
It was strongly criticized and recommended never to use ROOT for calculations during the sPHENIX collaboration meeting 2 days ago:

cout << TMath::ACos(2) << endl;

cout << acos(2) << endl;


I tried the following example:

import ROOT

def foo():
    f = ROOT.TFile.Open("./tutorials/hsimple.root")
    h1 = f.Get('hpx')
    h2 = h1.Clone('h2')
    print("H1", h1)
    print("H2", h2)
    return h2

hist = foo()

print("FINAL HIST", hist)

both with 6.22 and 6.20 and the result is the same: the final histogram becomes None because, when its TFile is being destructed, it destroys its associated histograms too. I think this is what happens in your code too.

In any case, there is a solution to free the histogram from being tied to the TFile. You need to write:

def get_hists(file_names, hist_name, mark):
    NPoints = len(file_names)
    h_array = [TH1F for y in range(0,NPoints)]
    f = [TFile for y in range(0,NPoints)]

    for i in range(0,NPoints):
        f[i] = TFile.Open(file_names[i])
        hist_new_name = hist_name+'_{0:d}'.format(i)+mark 
        h = f[i].Get(hist_name).Clone(hist_new_name)
        h.SetDirectory(0)  # notice this line !!!! 
        h_array[i] = h  
    return h_array

As for the TMath question, perhaps @moneta can comment on it.

Hello @etejedor,
This solution is working
Thank you, the issue was probably due to the fact that previously I have not been using separate files, but was reading from one.



Thank you for noticing that TMath::Acos(2) returns 0. A protection to avoid values outside the [-1,1] range was added many years ago. I don’t know the reason. I think it is more correct to return a NaN as in std::acos.

I will make a PR for this,
Thank you


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