Limit on assembly depth in GDML defined geometry


If I define a 5x5 grid of boxes using assembly (where the first assembly is a row of boxes) I can visualize it without problems (to visualize: TGeoManager::Import("file.gdml");gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw("ogl");). Here is the GDML:

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<gdml xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
        <material name="material-0"/>
        <box name="worldBox" x="100.0" y="100.0" z="100.0"/>
        <box name="box" x="1.0" y="1.0" z="1.0"/>
        <volume name="boxVolume">
            <materialref ref="material-0"/>
            <solidref ref="box"/>
        <assembly name="assembly-1">
            <physvol name="box1">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box1.position" z="5.0"/>
            <physvol name="box2">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box2.position" z="10.0"/>
            <physvol name="box3">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box3.position" z="15.0"/>
            <physvol name="box4">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box4.position" z="20.0"/>
            <physvol name="box5">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box5.position" z="25.0"/>
        <assembly name="assembly-0">
            <physvol name="box1">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box1.position" y="5.0"/>
            <physvol name="box2">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box2.position" y="10.0"/>
            <physvol name="box3">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box3.position" y="15.0"/>
            <physvol name="box4">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box4.position" y="20.0"/>
            <physvol name="box5">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box5.position" y="25.0"/>
        <volume name="world">
            <physvol name="Boxes">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-0"/>
            <materialref ref="material-0"/>
            <solidref ref="worldBox"/>
    <setup name="Default" version="1.0">
        <world ref="world"/>

However, if I add one more layer of depth to make it a grid of 5x5x5 boxes, the visualization breaks and I don’t see a thing, but the gdml seems to be correct. I also don’t get anything in the console indicating an error has ocurred. Here is the gdml for a 5x5x5 grid of boxes.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<gdml xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">
        <material name="material-0"/>
        <box name="worldBox" x="100.0" y="100.0" z="100.0"/>
        <box name="box" x="1.0" y="1.0" z="1.0"/>
        <volume name="boxVolume">
            <materialref ref="material-0"/>
            <solidref ref="box"/>
        <assembly name="assembly-2">
            <physvol name="box1">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box1.position" z="5.0"/>
            <physvol name="box2">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box2.position" z="10.0"/>
            <physvol name="box3">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box3.position" z="15.0"/>
            <physvol name="box4">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box4.position" z="20.0"/>
            <physvol name="box5">
                <volumeref ref="boxVolume"/>
                <position name="box5.position" z="25.0"/>
        <assembly name="assembly-1">
            <physvol name="box1">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-2"/>
                <position name="box1.position" y="5.0"/>
            <physvol name="box2">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-2"/>
                <position name="box2.position" y="10.0"/>
            <physvol name="box3">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-2"/>
                <position name="box3.position" y="15.0"/>
            <physvol name="box4">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-2"/>
                <position name="box4.position" y="20.0"/>
            <physvol name="box5">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-2"/>
                <position name="box5.position" y="25.0"/>
        <assembly name="assembly-0">
            <physvol name="box1">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box1.position" x="5.0"/>
            <physvol name="box2">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box2.position" x="10.0"/>
            <physvol name="box3">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box3.position" x="15.0"/>
            <physvol name="box4">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box4.position" x="20.0"/>
            <physvol name="box5">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-1"/>
                <position name="box5.position" x="25.0"/>
        <volume name="world">
            <physvol name="Boxes">
                <volumeref ref="assembly-0"/>
            <materialref ref="material-0"/>
            <solidref ref="worldBox"/>
    <setup name="Default" version="1.0">
        <world ref="world"/>

I couldn’t see this behavior documented anywhere, so I am asking here.



@agheata can you please rake a look here? Thanks!

Visualization works based on a depth, and the default value is 3 to avoid having to draw too many objects. In the second case you want to see level 4, so the thing to do is:

gGeoManager->SetVisLevel(4); // or a bigger number

This is documented in users guide in section 20.7.1 in one of the Q&A

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