trying to install the latest version 6.28.06 (well also tried .04 for what that counts) -precompiled- on Win11. I think I followed all instructions AFA dependencies are concerned, I think I have the right VS version (17.7.4), and I am using the developer powershell in VS to launch it (yes after sourcing the right bat file). I still get the following error, which was already reported in other threads without clear conclusion of what was going wrong. No sign of missing dependencies.
Thanks a lot in advance for any hint or clue, Roberto
input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: ‘new’ file not found #include
Assertion failed: OldBuilder->DeferredDeclsToEmit.empty() && “Should have emitted all decls deferred to emit.”, file C:\build\ws\BUILDTYPE\Release\LABEL\windows64\V\6-28\root\interpreter\llvm\src\tools\clang\lib\CodeGen\ModuleBuilder.cpp, line 155
I am in the developer PS but something must be wrong in my setup.
PS C:\Software\root_v6.28.06> .\bin\thisroot.ps1
.\bin\thisroot.ps1 : File C:\Software\root_v6.28.06\bin\thisroot.ps1 cannot be loaded. The file C:\Software\root_v6.28.06\bin\thisroot.ps1 is not digitally signed. You cannot run this script on the current system. For
more information about running scripts and setting execution policy, see about_Execution_Policies at https:/go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.
OK, so this is not a ROOT issue. Then you can either try to fix the PowerShell execution policies, or try to run from a regular Visual Studio Command Prompt
Just to let you know the version I am using in case you want to reproduce the issue.
Well if this is an issue of the VS execution policies, than it is also an issue for root installation on windows via VS. Will try some other ways. Thanks
Of course, in case you can reproduce the issue, it would be nice to update the documentation on how to install root on windows, even if this is not a root problem.
Thanks again
Hi, thanks Bertrand.
I installed as explained in Installing ROOT - ROOT and then Releases - ROOT, by choosing the latest release for Win, the right architecture, the right VS version. The exe, IIRC. Good to know you cannot reproduce it, this is helpful to me. Do not waste anymore time, now I know I must have made something weird in my VS install, rather. I am reinstalling everything on the VS side, including C++ and Python in the development kit, and will try again. Will post again in case this persists and do not manage to debug myself. Thanks
Hi again.
I am writing to close the thread and maybe give some useful feedback? After full reinstallation it works, but only by executing the bat script, in both ways (powershell and command prompt). “Executing” the ps1 file still gives authorization issues for me in the PS prompt.
If you do not have any further question, I guess you can close this thread. And thanks for your time.