Issue with Histogram Bin Sizes


I have run into an issue when trying to execute my coincidence analysis script. The issue being that there are 16k bins in each of the spectra, however, when trying to execute the script it reads an error:

Info in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins - trying to use TH1::Merge
Error in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins : nbins h1 = 16000 , nbins h2 = 4096
Error in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins : nbins h1 = 16000 , nbins h2 = 4096
Info in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins - trying to use TH1::Merge
Error in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins : nbins h1 = 4096 , nbins h2 = 16000
Info in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins - trying to use TH1::Merge
Info in TH1D::Add: Attempt to add histograms with different number of bins - trying to use TH1::Merge

I have not tried the merge option yet since I know there are 16k bins and do not know where the binning issue resides.

I have attached my macro and image of the spectra as well. For insight, the blue spectra is the gate, red is the background_gate_2, and green is the background_gate.

Thank you in advance,

gate_bgs.C (4.3 KB)

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_ROOT Version:6.24/06
_Platform:Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Compiler: Not Provided

This does not have 16k bins:

TH1D * avg_bg=new TH1D("avg_bg","avg_bg",4096,0,4096);
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