Issue with dynamically loading library in PyROOT (not in LD_LIBRARY_PATH)

Hi Rooters,

I’m trying to load a library in PyROOT from an absolute path (i.e. path/to/lib/ and it keeps telling me that that file path does not exist in [contents of my LD_LIBRARY_PATH]. I realize I can add this path to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH but I am trying to avoid this if possible. It seems as though I should be able to provide a direct path to the library, because it works in regular ROOT:

root [4] gSystem->Load("path/to/lib/")
(int) 1

What am I doing wrong here? Also, I’m a big newbie to ROOT in general so would really appreciate details if you’re able to help! Thanks so much!!

Hi @cadams,

@etejedor probably knows how to do this. He should be back next week.



work or fail?

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