Issue using TMVA

Hello @yus ,

I use TMVA code for fitting data using BDT method.I complete more 70% code steps but isssues toward me and i cant fix them especially in the end part code
// Add data to the DataLoader
loader.AddTrainingEvent({b1_pt, b1_eta, b2_pt, b2_eta, h_mass,h_pt,h_eta,DR_b,jet_pt,jet_eta,jet_phi,jet_ET,jet_mass,
jet_DeltaEta, jet_Deltaphi, jet_bTag, jet_EhadOverEem, missingET_MET,missingEt_Phi,scalarHT_HT});

.Also my last question if i want to put cuts on variables what is the steps to do that ?
bb.root (58.0 KB)
BDT_Classification.cpp (6.2 KB)
h90BP1_bb.root (77.6 KB)
h90BP2_bb.root (76.8 KB)
h95BP1_bb.root (77.0 KB)
h96BP1_bb.root (77.7 KB)
h96BP2_bb.root (78.0 KB)

z_bb.root (65.4 KB)
histAnalysis.h (83.9 KB)
h96BP3_bb.root (78.7 KB)

h96BP6_bb.root (76.0 KB)
histAnalysis.C (13.6 KB)
h95BP3_bb.root (77.9 KB)
h_bb.root (63.0 KB)

.I will give them all complete data file.h,file.c,BDT.C,and file.roots

Hi Ahmed,

Is there a glitch somewhere? This post seems a duplicate of this one .
