is there somehow a bug with SetLimits when using a file ?
Here is a reproducible example.
I clone an histogram h1 into an histogram h2.
I shift in y by a Rescale, the second histogram (just in order to make appear the bug with the SetLimits)
I shift in x with SetLimits the second histogram.
In the default configuration, it works, but if h1 is read from a file, then the SetLimits on the h2 has no effect.
When ones uncomment the two commented lines, the shift in x no more works.
Is there a bug ?
Is there a solution ?
thank you
Here is the minimal example :
void Test()
//goal of the macro : to shift h1 by a tiny x value
//the y is shifted by a factor 1.01 in order to make appear the user to understand that there is an apparent bug for the case for the histogram is read from the file : the shift in x no more appears
TH1F *h2;
TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","h1",25,0,2.5);
//switch off these two lines block, and the shift no more works !!
// TFile *f_MC_13TeV_Zmumu_LowMu_Barrel=new TFile("ratioPlots_onlyBarrel.root");
// h1=(TH1F *)f_MC_13TeV_Zmumu_LowMu_Barrel->Get("histMPV_from_fit_muS1_cell_E_total");
h2 = (TH1F*)h1->Clone("h2");
Double_t shift = 0.5*h1->GetBinWidth(1);
cout << "shift=" << shift << endl;
cout << "h2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()=" << h2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << endl;
cout << "h2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin()=" << h2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() << endl;
h2->Draw("e1 same");
ROOT Version: 6.10/08 Platform: linux Compiler: Not Provided
–>I have provided a minimum reproducible example here :
To see the bug, one should just switch off these two lines in my example :
//switch off these two lines block, and the shift no more works !!
// TFile *f_MC_13TeV_Zmumu_LowMu_Barrel=new TFile(“ratioPlots_onlyBarrel.root”);
// h1=(TH1F *)f_MC_13TeV_Zmumu_LowMu_Barrel->Get(“histMPV_from_fit_muS1_cell_E_total”);
Using the SetAxisRange would not allow to make a relative shift of one with respect to the other : the centers are still aligned.
I tried with “${ROOTSYS}/tutorials/hsimple.root” and I see no problem (neither with ROOT 5.34 nor ROOT 6).
You can try my small test macro with your own ROOT file if you replace “#if 0” with “#if 1” inside:
TFile *f;
TH1 *h1, *h2;
#if 0 /* 0 or 1 */
// try it with your own file
f = TFile::Open("ratioPlots_onlyBarrel.root");
if ((!f) || f->IsZombie()) { delete f; return; } // file is not usable
f->GetObject("histMPV_from_fit_muS1_cell_E_total", h1);
if (!h1) { delete f; return; } // no histogram found
#else /* 0 or 1 */
// try it with the "${ROOTSYS}/tutorials/hsimple.root"
f = TFile::Open("hsimple.root");
if ((!f) || f->IsZombie()) { delete f; return; } // file is not usable
f->GetObject("hpx", h1);
if (!h1) { delete f; return; } // no histogram found
#endif /* 0 or 1 */
// h1->Sumw2(1);
h2 = ((TH1*)(h1->Clone("h2")));
Double_t shift = 0.5 * h1->GetBinWidth(1);
std::cout << "shift = " << shift << std::endl;
TAxis *a = h2->GetXaxis();
std::cout << "h2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() = " << a->GetXmin() << std::endl;
a->SetLimits(a->GetXmin() + shift, a->GetXmax() + shift);
std::cout << "h2->GetXaxis()->GetXmin() = " << a->GetXmin() << std::endl;
h2->Draw("e1 same");
(sorry : I mean the problem is not from reading the TH1 from a TFile, but from the TH1 itself : the shift of histogram seems not to work in the special case where the histogram has a variable bin width)