- ROOT 6.13/03 Built for linuxx8664gcc From heads/master@v6-13-02-109-g95bf30d, Mar 26 2018, 19:59:29
I’m trying to save many output in the same TTree or the same TBranch.
- What is happening:
TTree Apr 20 19:00 2018 T "Tree"
px "px/D" 13122
py "py/D" 13122
pz "pz/D" 13122
pt "pt/D" 13122
e "e/D" 13121
id "id/I" 6594
Eta "Eta/D" 13123
Phi "Phi/D" 13123
TTree Apr 20 18:55 2018 T "Tree"
px "px/D" 11474
py "py/D" 11474
pz "pz/D" 11474
pt "pt/D" 11474
e "e/D" 11473
id "id/I" 5770
Eta "Eta/D" 11475
Phi "Phi/D" 11475
TTree Apr 20 19:00 2018 T1 "Tree1"
gama "gama/D" 869
bx "bx/D" 867
by "by/D" 867
bz "bz/D" 867
Nparticles "Nparticles/I" 475
TTree Apr 20 18:55 2018 T1 "Tree1"
gama "gama/D" 869
bx "bx/D" 867
by "by/D" 867
bz "bz/D" 867
Nparticles "Nparticles/I" 475
The TTrees(T,T,T1,T1
) is break in two, I would like that to be only (T,T1)one.
or I would like to put the second part in the final of the TBranch (T,T1
) of the first.
this is like:
FILE *fout;
fout = fopen(filename,"a");
// "a" == save the output at the end of the file
What I’m using:
TFile *file = TFile::Open("pytHIa.root","UPDATE");
// UPDATE == result in what is describe in
(1 item, above), break in two.
Is possible to do this? how can I do this?
Cheers, Andre