Is it possible to use several regular PCs (connected in a LAN) in a PROOF session?


Is it possible to use several regular PCs (connected in a LAN) in a PROOF session?

I usually launch the PROOF sessions in my personal PC, as

    TChain * chain = new TChain ("myChain");
    chain->AddFile( myFile );
    TProof * myCluster = TProof::Open("","workers=4");
    std::cerr << "Options: " << options.c_str() << std::endl;
    chain->Process("mySelector.C+", options.c_str());

Thank you for your time.


Dear atd,

Sorry for the late reply, I have limited connection until next week.
Yes, you can start proof across nodes; you need a network of daemons to be started before opening your Proof session.
Please have a look at, in particular at the SSH plugin. That is the advised way to start a Proof cluster over a cluster of LAN connected PCs.

G Ganis

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