Hello. I tried to understand how AvalancheMicroscopic works in Garfieldpp. It uses function “GetElectronEnergy” in “AvalancheMicroscopic.cc” (look at photo):
I think that vx1,vx2,vx3 have dimension of velocity, because they used in calculation dx (change of coordinate). If we look at “Medium.cc” and find the function “GetElectronEnergy”, we can see the definiton of vx1, vx2, vx3:
Hi, GetElectronEnergy is used in a specialised version of the function TransportElectron (in AvalancheMicroscopic) which is meant to deal with transport in semiconductors; this function has not been used/tested much in recent years. It’s entirely possible/likely that there are mistakes. But I think the dimensions are correct in this case; the constant ElectronMass is in eV, and the momentum vector is also in eV; but I’ll double-check…