Is AvalancheMicroscopic simulation of electron gain accurate in general?

Is AvalancheMicroscopic simulation of electron gain accurate in general? I simulate the avalanche of electrons near the anode wire.The simulated gain appears to be only half that of the experimental results.
In order to obtain simulation results close to the experimental results, I set the Penning transfer coefficient to 0.65. However, the Penning transfer coefficient of the same gas in the literature is about 0.51.
Is the electric field calculated by the Analytic fields in Garfield++ accurate enough? Could this have contributed to the small gain?

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you!
In general, the electric field calculated using ComponentAnalyticField should be very accurate (provided that the 2D approximation is viable). If you provide the lines of code you are using to describe the layout, I can take a look if there is an issue with this particular case.

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