Ion Mobility file in He-Isobutane mixture

Dear Experts

I want to simulate the ion behavior in a He-Isobutane gas mixture with 90-10 percentage respectively, but I didn’t find such file, do we have a mobility file of such gas mixture? I used pure He gas before but seems simulation result are slightly different from experiment…

Hi @Crisps,

thank you for your question, maybe @hschindl could help here?


I’m afraid I don’t have such a file at hand. I guess you consulted the compilations below?

[1] H.W. Ellis, R.Y. Pai, E.W. McDaniel, E.A. Mason and L.A. Viehland, Transport properties of gaseous ions over a wide energy range, At. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 17 (1976) 177-210.
[2] H.W. Ellis, E.W. McDaniel, D.L. Albritton, L.A. Viehland, S.L. Lin and E.A. Mason,Transport properties of gaseous ions over a wide energy range, part II, At. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 22 (1978) 179-217.
[3] H.W. Ellis, M.G. Thackston, E.W. McDaniel and E.A. Mason, Transport properties of gaseous ions over a wide energy range, part III, At. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 31(1984) 113-151.
[4] L.A. Viehland and E.A. Mason, Transport properties of gaseous ions over a wide energy range, part IV, At. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 60 (1995) 37-95.

Thank you for pointing these papers, I do checked them simply but didn’t notice that there is a method to calculate mobility in a gas mixture. Assume I calculated mobility by hand, can I simply convert to Garfield+±readable format?

Yes, absolutely. You can use this example as a template for your mobility file:

The first column is the reduced electric field (electric field strength divided by number density), in units of Townsend (1 Td = 10-17 V cm2). The second column is the ion mobility at atmospheric pressure and 0° C.

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