___Hello! I am trying to install ROOT with the R option. I downloaded and installed the R, Rccp, and RInside packages. At the ROOT build stage, an error appears
CMakeFiles/RInterface.dir/src/RExports.cxx.o: In function `Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy<Rcpp::Vector<14, Rcpp::PreserveStorage> >::AttributeProxy& Rcpp::AttributeProxyPolicy<Rcpp::Vector<14, Rcpp::PreserveStorage> >::AttributeProxy::operator=Rcpp::Dimension(Rcpp::Dimension const&) [clone .isra.0]':
When compiling, I use the following options:
-Dr=ON -Dveccore=ON -Dbuiltin_fftw3=ON -Dbuiltin_gsl=ON -Dx11=OFF
Can you tell me how to solve this problem?
Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: ROOT 6.28/06
Platform: Linux
Compiler: Not Provided