I have the new Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS as my operative system on my computer. On the app centre of the system, I noticed that ROOT (v6-30-08) was already available there for direct installation so I installed it since it was a simpler installation method for me (ps. I noticed it uses snap to install it).
But it seems I am having issues when installing other packages like STIR (medical image reconstruction tool) that depend on ROOT. I get a bunch of messages when using cmake-gui to generate:
It seems like root-framework is having conflicts with other libraries. Also it is encountering cern_root_config path which is on the screenshot but not the root_dir which says it’s the directory containing cmake configuration file for ROOT.
What would be the best solution here in order to not have conflicts?
Should I install ROOT using another way? I checked the website for v6-30-08 and there isn’t a binary distribution available for Ubuntu 24.04.1.
Also I would like to keep those options of JupyROOT, PyROOT and ROOT that Ubuntu snap provided:
I would really appreciate if someone could help me out.
Sorry to read you are encountering these difficulties.
I would propose to stick to one installation method at the time and solve the problems related to it.
Can you confirm you managed to install ROOT 6.30.08?
Once this is done we can focus on STIR - I am not familiar with it: did you check what version of STIR works with which version of ROOT?
Can you try to fetch the STIR version you need, configure it with CMake from the command line and report here that commandline and the error, if it fails? I can not exclude that this is a STIR issue at this time yet.
I removed ROOT v6.30.08 that I had and installed ROOT v6.32.0 using a pre-compiled binary distribution. This solved the problem. It really was because of the fact it was installed with snap on the App Centre.