ROOT Version: V6.22.08 Platform: Centos Compiler: Not Provided
Hi all, I am trying to install ROOT from the source file because it is necessary to use the event generator GENIE software.
So I download the file root_v6.22.08.source.tar.gz
then I use tar -xvzf
then I create the directory root_v6.22.08-build and cd to this directory
i use the following command:
cmake -Dgdml=ON -Dbuiltin_gsl=OFF -Dmathmore=ON -Dpythia6=ON -Dpythia8=ON -Droofit=ON -DGSL_DIR=/home/jordi/genie_software/gsl-2.6/ -DGSL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=/home/jordi/genie_software/gsl-2.6/bin/gsl-config -DPYTHIA6_LIBRARY=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia6428/ -DPYTHIA8_DIR=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia8304-source/ -DPYTHIA8_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia8304-source/include/ -DPYTHIA8_LIBRARY=/home/jordi/genie_software/pythia8304-source/lib/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/jordi/genie_software/root-6.22.08/ …/root-6.22.08/
make -j12
and everything seems to work but in the 93% this happens:
You ran $ make -j12, which means that up to 12 processes will be spawned by make. Consequently, there might be some output between the point an error occurs and
make: *** [Makefile:171: all] Error 2
That said, could you take a look at the latest lines in the output and copy here any relevant lines (compiler diagnostic messages, etc.)?
Which compiler (and version) are you using to build ROOT? You can see the path to the compiler in the CMake output or running $ grep CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER CMakeCache.txt from your build directory. Please provide here the output of:
$ /path/to/your/compiler/c++ --verbose
Also, which version of CentOS are you building ROOT on?
You did not provide the compiler version that you are using, although I think that the one provided by devtoolset-8 is g++ 8.3.1. I think that building ROOT on CentOS 6 is not officially supported. Furthermore, building ROOT via devtoolset is known to have some issues. In particular, to me it seems to be using the C++ headers provided by the old compiler toolchain.
Hi @jalopezg, sorry about that… you’re right the compiler version provided by devtoolset-8 is g++ 8.3.1… so
is there any recommendation that you think can help me?,
but now I have a problem trying to compile GENIE against ROOT, I know this a ROOT forum but I think the problem is related to ROOT (sorry if it is not):