ROOT Version: Any Platform: Docker Ubuntu 22 Compiler: Cmake?
I want to install ROOT on an existing Ubuntu docker container.
I can use anaconda for this, but then when in the installed environment I don’t have access to the preinstalled packages.
To be more specific, I have pytorch installed without conda and I can’t access it while in the ROOT conda environment.
My question is, how I can install ROOT with a specific python version without using conda and without building from source.
With conda I can use
I am familiar with the precompiled versions, these come compatible with a specific python version.
I am looking to install root compatible to my existing python version.
In my question I specified that I don’t want to build from source, are you saying this is the only way without using conda?
My reason for not building from source is that I am using a docker container and the process described in your link is not working. Using conda does work but I want to install ROOT outside the conda environment.