Install Error: PATH too long

Hi everyone! I hope you are fine.

I’m trying to install the .exe version of ROOT 5.34.36 on Windows 10 choosing the option “Add ROOT to the system path for all users” and when the installation is running shows up an alert that sais something like “WARNING:The PATH name is too long”, and suddenly the process ends. Obviously, I guess, that’s not a good ending, or complete, and therefore ROOT maybe won’t run so well.

Can I solve that problem? I need that option (Access to all users) to run ROOT into the cmd. That’s the matter. I’ve checked if I got the appropiate Microsoft Visual C++ version but I’m not sure. I have the 2008,2009,2010,2012,2013 and 2017.

Do you know what the problem is?

Thank you very much.
root2 root3


We are aware of this problem, but no idea where it comes from. We will investigate.

Cheers, Bertrand.

I also saw this problem while installing ROOT6 on Windows 7 64-bits. Should we open a JIRA ticket to keep in mind this issue?

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The problem comes from the installer, not from ROOT or from Visual Studio

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