Hi all,
As in the title, after following the instructions on building from source on Windows, the target install directory is empty.
I am compiling from source so that I can compile a Geant4 project (using v11.0 which uses C++17) that has ROOT dependencies in order to write output to ROOT file. When using the precompiled binary, I was receiving an error that the C++ standards did not match with ROOT.
I am using the Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.4.4, where I run the following cmake commands from the build directory:
cmake -G"Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -Thost=x64 -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install C:\Users\naido\Downloads\root-6.28.00
This prints what appears to be appropriate output at the end of execution:
System Windows-10.0.22621
Processor 14 core 2688 MHz GenuineIntel Pentium III (0.18 micron) With 1 Or 2 MB On-Die L2 Cache (AMD64)
Build type
Install path C:/Users/naido/Documents/Software/root_v6-28-00/install
Compiler MSVC 19.34.31937.0
Compiler flags:
C -nologo -IC:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/build/win -FIw32pragma.h -FIsehmap.h -MD -EHsc- -W3 -D_WIN32 -wd4267 -D_WIN64 -DNOMINMAX
C++ -nologo -IC:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/build/win -FIw32pragma.h -FIsehmap.h -Zc:__cplusplus -std:c++17 -MD -GR -EHsc- -W3 -wd4141 -wd4291 -wd4244 -wd4049 -wd4146 -D_WIN32 -wd4267 -D_WIN64 -D_XKEYCHECK_H -DNOMINMAX -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS -D_SILENCE_CXX17_ITERATOR_BASE_CLASS_DEPRECATION_WARNING -D_SILENCE_CXX17_CODECVT_HEADER_DEPRECATION_WARNING
Linker flags:
Executable /machine:x64
Module /machine:x64 -ignore:4049,4206,4217,4221 -incremental:no
Shared /machine:x64 -ignore:4049,4206,4217,4221 -incremental:no
-- Enabled support for: asimage builtin_afterimage builtin_clang builtin_cling builtin_freetype builtin_ftgl builtin_gl2ps builtin_glew builtin_gtest builtin_llvm builtin_lz4 builtin_lzma builtin_nlohmannjson builtin_openui5 builtin_pcre builtin_tbb builtin_xxhash builtin_zstd clad dataframe exceptions gdml http imt mlp minuit2 opengl pyroot roofit webgui root7 shared tmva tmva-pymva spectrum
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/Users/naido/Documents/Software/root_v6-28-00/build
I then run:
cmake --build . --config Release --target install -j18
The end output of this is:
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/interpreter/cling/lib/Utils/CMakeLists.txt
clingUtils.vcxproj -> C:\Users\naido\Documents\Software\root_v6-28-00\build\lib\clingUtils.lib
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/interpreter/cling/lib/Interpreter/CMakeLists.txt
clingInterpreter.vcxproj -> C:\Users\naido\Documents\Software\root_v6-28-00\build\lib\clingInterpreter.lib
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/interpreter/cling/lib/MetaProcessor/CMakeLists.txt
clingMetaProcessor.vcxproj -> C:\Users\naido\Documents\Software\root_v6-28-00\build\lib\clingMetaProcessor.lib
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/interpreter/CMakeLists.txt
Copying LLVM resource and header files
Building Custom Rule C:/Users/naido/Downloads/root-6.28.00/core/clingutils/CMakeLists.txt
It is unclear to me whether there are any errors here, but the installation directory is empty. Any advice would be deeply appreciated!
ROOT Version: 6.28.00
Platform: Windows 11
Compiler: Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt v17.4.4