Info in <TROOT::TEfficiency::CheckEntries>: Histograms are not consistent: passed bin content > total bin content


I have histograms created with the exact same binning etc - However when trying to Divide them with TGraphAsymmErrors I get

Info in <TROOT::TEfficiency::CheckEntries>: Histograms are not consistent: passed bin content > total bin content Error in <TROOT::TEfficiency::CheckConsistency>: passed TEfficiency objects do not have consistent bin contents Error in <TGraphAsymmErrors::Divide>: passed histograms are not consistent

I am attaching the script (TFR.C) and the two necessary input .root files


WJetsToLNu_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8_B_OS.root (41.3 KB)
TFR.C (9.74 KB)
DataTFR.root (28.1 KB)


The error is clear enough, there are some bins where the passed histogram has entries larger than the total one.
I don;t know if this is an error or something that you want. If the histogram are independent, you should then use the option “pois” in the Divide function. In this case you will compute the uncertainties using a ratio of Poisson variables

Best Regards
