In TMVA cross validation, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is 1

Dear All,

I want to use TMVA to do cross validation with DNN method.
The code I used is attached as a file.

The code runs, but strangely, the p-value is 1 in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test.
As I understand, if the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test p-value is 1, it is wrong because the same data was entered in the train and test.


The code below is the suspicious part.
I wanted to use 4 folds alternately for train and test, and do validation on the last 5th fold.
So I set numFolds to 4.
And I divided the total events by 5 and used that value as the test value.

Why does the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test p-value come out as 1?
How can I solve it?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,

   UInt_t  numFolds = 4;
   UInt_t  nSignalEvents     = 432851;
   UInt_t  nBackgroundEvents = 269441;
   UInt_t  partition_nSignalEvents        = UInt_t(Double_t(nSignalEvents) / Double_t(numFolds+1));
   UInt_t  partition_nBackgroundEvents    = UInt_t(Double_t(nBackgroundEvents) / Double_t(numFolds+1));
   TString TS_partition_nSignalEvents     = TString::Format("%u", partition_nSignalEvents);
   TString TS_partition_nBackgroundEvents = TString::Format("%u", partition_nBackgroundEvents);

   TString nTest_Signal = "nTest_Signal=" + TS_partition_nSignalEvents;
   TString nTest_Background = "nTest_Background=" + TS_partition_nBackgroundEvents;
   TString PrepareTrainingAndTestTree_Option = nTest_Signal + ":" + nTest_Background + ":SplitMode=Random" + ":NormMode=NumEvents" + ":!V";
   dataloader->PrepareTrainingAndTestTree(mycuts, mycutb, PrepareTrainingAndTestTree_Option);

   TString analysisType = "Classification";

   TString splitType = (useRandomSplitting) ? "Random" : "Deterministic";
   TString splitExpr = (!useRandomSplitting) ? "int(fabs([eventID]))%int([NumFolds])" : "";
   TString cvOptions = Form("!V"
                            analysisType.Data(), splitType.Data(), numFolds,
   TMVA::CrossValidation cv{"TMVACrossValidation", dataloader, outputFile, cvOptions};

   if (Use["DNN_CPU"] or Use["DNN_GPU"]) {
      TString layoutString ("Layout=RELU|256,RELU|256,TANH|256,RELU|256,RELU|256,LINEAR");

      TString trainingStrategyString = ("TrainingStrategy=LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,"

      TString dnnOptions ("!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=Norm:"

      dnnOptions.Append (":"); dnnOptions.Append (layoutString);
      dnnOptions.Append (":"); dnnOptions.Append (trainingStrategyString);

      if (Use["DNN_GPU"]) {
         TString gpuOptions = dnnOptions + ":Architecture=GPU";
         cv.BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kDL, "DNN_GPU", gpuOptions);
      if (Use["DNN_CPU"]) {
         TString cpuOptions = dnnOptions + ":Architecture=CPU";
         cv.BookMethod(TMVA::Types::kDL, "DNN_CPU", cpuOptions);


TMVACrossValidation_Exercise_TTFCNC.C (8.0 KB)

Hi Younghoon,

Thanks for the post. I add in the loop @moneta who could help out with your inquiry.
