While inspecting, I found that TGeoTessellated had 0 vertices and 0 facets, however the name of the solid is read correctly. In TBrowser, I do see the solid in the tree but I cannot draw. Root crashes on trying to draw.
In a 2017 post ( Errors importing GDML tessellated solid with ROOT ) in this forum, I saw that tessellated solids were not supported, but I do not see the same error in the latest root. I want to confirm if root supports reading and visualization of tessellated solids now.
Info in <TGeoManager::CheckGeometry>: Fixing runtime shapes...
Info in <TGeoManager::CheckGeometry>: ...Nothing to fix
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Counting nodes...
Info in <TGeoManager::Voxelize>: Voxelizing...
Error in <TGeoVolume::SortNodes>: Bounding box not valid
Error in <TGeoVolume::Voxelize>: Bounding box not valid
Error in <TGeoVolume::FindOverlaps>: Bounding box not valid
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Building cache...
What exactly is meant by “type” attribute in the GDML file?
I use an CAD based STL file as input for a G4 geometry and then use the G4 GDML export to create a GDML file to later import it into ROOT and convert it into a ROOT geometry:
the type attribute is not set when exporting the geometry via G4 (V 10.5.0) - only the vertexX attributes are present.
Adding the type attribute solves the issue.
As far as I remember correctly after two years it was either „relative“ or „absolute“ as definition for the values. But it should be fixed in the mention PR and the recent ROOT version >6.2X.
Nevertheless, keep in mind that tessellated objects are not used as material etc in the ROOT geometry and do not contribute to any particle interactions. At least that’s my latest information.