Illegal Varibale Name


I’m performing a test run for generating my own dictionaries and so far am unsuccessful.

I start with a test file called MyLibLinkDef.h, which is just this:

#include <map>
#pragma link C++ class map<int,double>+;

And then first do rootcint as follows:
rootcint -f -c map.h MyLibLinkDef.h

Followed by
$(LD ) $(LDFLAGS ) $(SOFLAGS ) -o $@

At this point, I get “Illegal variable name” as the only response. This is unfortunately my first time working with rootcint, so I don’t know what to do with the error message or what I did incorrectly to get it.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


[quote]At this point, I get “Illegal variable name” as the only response. [/quote]A priori this message comes from gmake (and/or your shell) and would indicates that one of $(LD ) $(LDFLAGS ) $(SOFLAGS ) is not defined.
If you text is a literal copy of your makefile, then the problem is likely to be the trailing space after the variable name and before the closing paranthesis.
