Icc 11, ifort 10, root 5.23-02 --> failure

Hi everybody,

Last month I tried to compile ROOT with ICC 11 and IFORT 11 and it went well. However, I was using their evaluation version and now they are not usable anymore. Therefore, I use the version 11 of ICC and 10 of IFORT, both from /afs/cern.ch/sw/IntelSoftware/linux/x86_64.

Here is exactly what I do :

. /afs/cern.ch/sw/IntelSoftware/linux/setup.sh . /afs/cern.ch/sw/IntelSoftware/linux/x86_64/Compiler/11.0/081/bin/iccvars.sh ia32 . /afs/cern.ch/sw/IntelSoftware/linux/x86_64/fce/10.0.023/bin/ifortvars.sh ia32 export ROOTSYS=/home/DQM/Softwares/root523 export PATH=$ROOTSYS/bin:$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ROOTSYS/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./configure linuxicc --enable-afs --enable-gdml --enable-globus --enable-minuit2 --disable-monalisa --enable-pch --enable-qt --enable-qtgsi --enable-roofit --enable-soversion --enable-table --enable-unuran --enable-xrootd --with-pythia6-uscore=SINGLE --with-f77=g77 make clean make -j2

And here is what I get after a while :

icpc -O -o bin/h2root main/src/h2root.o \ -Llib -lCore -lCint -lRIO -lNet -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lMatrix -lMathCore -lThread lib/libminicern.so \ -lm -ldl -pthread -rdynamic lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `do_lio' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `e_wsle' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_wdue' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_rdue' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `e_wdue' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `e_wsfe' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_cmp' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `do_uio' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `f_inqu' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `G77_lnblnk_0' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `i_indx' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `do_fio' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `e_wsfi' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_cat' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_wsfi' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `e_rdue' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `f_clos' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `f_open' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_wsle' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_wsfe' lib/libminicern.so: undefined reference to `s_copy' make: *** [bin/h2root] Error 1 rm core/utils/src/RStl_tmp.cxx core/utils/src/rootcint_tmp.cxx

I am pretty sure this is not a problem with ROOT but with the compilers.
However, does anyone have experience with this ? Is somebody using these versions of the intel compilers successfully ?
Or do you see an obvious mistake in what I do ?

Finally, for my own knowledge, what is minicern ?

Thanks in advance,

With a fresh look at the configure line, I noticed that "–with-f77=g77 " should not be there…
Retrying without it.