-I option

How do I instruct rootcint to use the -I option.

I have tried
export TEMPDIR=src
export TINCLUDE=$SRT_LOCAL/include
export DINLCUDE=$SRT_LOCAL/Hww/Dtuple/include
rootcint -f ${TEMPDIR}/TRAna_dict.cc -c -I. -I${DINCLUDE} -I${TINCLUDE} -I${TEMPDIR} ${TINCLUDE}/Hww/TRAna/TRAna.h ${DINCLUDE}/TLepton.h ${DINCLUDE}/TJet.h ${DINCLUDE}/THepg.h ${DINCLUDE}/TZVertex.h ${DINCLUDE}/TFakeCEM.h ${DINCLUDE}/TFakePHX.h ${DINCLUDE}/TFakeMuon.h ${DINCLUDE}/TDUtility.h ${DINCLUDE}/TFakeUtil.h ${DINCLUDE}/TDPDF.h ${TINCLUDE}/Hww/TRAna/TRAna_LinkDef.h

but get the complaint that

[stdenis@ppecdf42 TRAna]$ ./fff.sh
Error: cannot open file “TDtuple.h” /home/stdenis/hww_1fb/hwwcdf6.1.4h/include/Hww/TRAna/TRAna.h:7:

head /home/stdenis/hww_1fb/hwwcdf6.1.4h/include/Hww/TRAna/TRAna.h
#ifndef GUARD_TRAna_h
#define GUARD_TRAna_h


#include “TDtuple.h”

and I check the location specified in the include

ls $SRT_LOCAL/Hww/Dtuple/include/TDtuple.h



Is that a typo when posting or the cause of your problems?


Yes, that was it – transcribed it from the makefile incorrectly when I created the test.