I Want to use Magboltz to write custom gas files, or I want to use Magboltz to do the analysis of a proportional counter properly. I think while installing the Garfield ++ the Magboltz didn’t installed properly because i am not able to generate any gas file.
Can anyone help me rectifying this issue
I am using Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
can you give more details? What do you mean by “not able to generate any gas file”? Did you try running this example?
What output did you get from the program?
Thank you for replying, Actually i am trying to use the gas properties in my Geant4 setup. Now in the included example i wasn’t able to figure out where and how to use magboltz for the same. I am trying to implement electric field properties for which i needed Garfield ++ but i am stuck.
Can you suggest if there is any way to simulate energy deposition of charged particles in electric field.
I’m afraid I’m not sure I understand your question. You mention a few different things in your post(s):
- Energy deposition by charged particles (Garfield++ has a built-in tool - “Heed” - for simulating ionisation by fast charged particles; but you could indeed also use Geant4)
- Electric fields (depending on the type of detector you can use built-in functionalities for computing the electric field or you can import maps calculated with a finite-element solver)
- Calculating transport properties of electrons in a gas (this is what Magboltz does).
All of these are ingredients in a typical Garfield++ simulation, but they are distinct things. Which of them is your question about?
Actually, I have to do all three analyses that you have mentioned. After your suggestion I have used Magboltz perfectly, there were some library linking issues that I was facing earlier, and now I have rectified that. I have played with the transport properties one and now the gas file is generating. I will try Heed this week, and if i face any issue i will ask on this thread only.