Httpserver crash


I am testing tutorials/http/httpserver.C of root-6.02.00 for my online monitoring application
When I click “StreamerInfo” in web browser, httpserver crashes like this.

Could you fix this bug?


I could reproduce your problem. I will fix it as soon as possible.
In fact, you do not need to access StreamerInfos at all (I left it just for backward compatibility).
When you accessing histograms, they requested in JSON format and do not requires streamer infos for decoding.
Thanks for reporting problem.


Thank you for your fix.
Actually I’m appling your contributions to our daq program by modifing online.htm and adding some javascript codes.

I understand what you said. But normal daq users might click “StreamerInfos” out of curiosity. It would cause serious daq crash. So I asked you to fix this bug.

Thank you very much again!

Fix for the problem now in repository.

I also preparing update for JavaScript/html code.
Why you want to change draw.htm file?
Are there some features missing?
Could you send me your version of draw.htm?