HTML help links within ROOT's GUI are outdated

This a very low-priority issue, since I think it’s existed for years and the students in my summer tutorial only noticed it this year:

  1. The HTML viewer and in-menu help links are obsolete. If you use New Html from within the TBrowser, by default it takes you to an referral page that points to a web page that no longer exists.

  2. If you use the menus within the standard GUI (e.g., right-click on a function to alter the plot), the underlined question mark links also point to web pages that no longer exist.

Point 1 can be addressed by changing Browser.StartUrl in system.rootrc, but I’m not sure which new page I should use. While I’d like to point the students to a class list, the HTML renderer within TBrowser can’t fully handle a page like the current ROOT: Class List.

Is this something that is ever likely to be fixed? Or is it just too easy to do a web search on “cern root axis SetRange” so there’s no point in changing anything?

Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code

_ROOT Version:5.22.06
Platform: CentOS 7
Compiler: gcc 10.2

You’re right, it is outdated since we switched to Doxygen and no, it will not be fixed, the TGHtml widget only supports very basic html. We’ll fix that for a future release.
Thanks for reporting this!

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