How do I copy all the contents of an input root file, write it to an output root file, but with the data within one branch, a jet collection called “AntiKt4EMPFlowJets”, of one tree, called “CollectionTree”, modified? I want the output file to be an exact copy of the input except with the vector of xAOD::Jet_v1 objects that is inside the branch to be modified with different momenta. I already have the new xAOD::Jet_v1 objects. Here is the code I was using to try to make the output file:
import ROOT
inputFileName = "samples/DAOD_PHYS.37228588._000046.pool.root.1"
outputFileName = "fakeSignalSample.root"
treeName = "CollectionTree"
jetCollectionName = "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets"
inputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(inputFileName, "READ")
inputTree = inputFile.Get(treeName)
tree = ROOT.xAOD.MakeTransientTree(inputFile, treeName)
outputFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(outputFileName, "RECREATE")
# Copy over everything except for CollectionTree
for key in ROOT.gDirectory.GetListOfKeys():
obj = key.ReadObj()
if obj.GetName() != treeName:
print(f"Writing object {obj.GetName()}")
outputTree = inputTree.CloneTree(0) # Clone structure of CollectionTree
outputJets = ROOT.std.vector(ROOT.TLorentzVector)()
outputTree.Branch(jetCollectionName, outputJets) # create branch for modified jets
# Loop over events
for entry in range(inputTree.GetEntries()):
inputJets = getattr(tree, jetCollectionName)
# some code here to get array of new momenta, jetMomentaCoplanar, not important
for p4 in jetMomentaCoplanar:
newJet = ROOT.TLorentzVector()
newJet.SetPxPyPzE(p4.Px(), p4.Py(), p4.Pz(), p4.E())
outputTree.Fill() # Fill output tree with modified jet collection and all other branches
I omitted the part of the code that has to do with getting the new momenta, since it isn’t important. I’m just trying to figure out how to write the new file. This code makes a new file that appears to have the same contents as the input, but there are things that don’t work. If I try to run my analysis with the new file, I get this error:
Error R__unzip_header: error in header. Values: 00
TBasket::ReadBasketBuf... ERROR Inconsistency found in header (nin=0, nbuf=0)
TBasket::ReadBasketBuf... ERROR fNbytes = 592470386, fKeylen = 28019, fObjlen = 1929913123, noutot = 0, nout=0, nin=0, nbuf=0
TBranch::GetBasket ERROR File: fakeSignalSample.root at byte:644015846980911224, branch:db_string, entry:0, badread=1, nerrors=1, basketnumber=0
I get these errors/warnings when running the script:
xAOD::Init INFO Environment initialised for data access
xAOD::MakeTransientTree INFO Created transient tree "CollectionTree" in ROOT's common memory
TBranch::WriteBasketImpl ERROR basket's WriteBuffer failed.
TBranch::WriteBasketImpl ERROR basket's WriteBuffer failed.
TBranch::WriteBasketImpl ERROR basket's WriteBuffer failed.
TBranch::WriteBasketImpl ERROR basket's WriteBuffer failed.
TTree::Bronch WARNING Using split mode on a class: TLorentzVector with a custom Streamer
TStreamerInfo::WriteBu... ERROR The element xAOD::AuxInfoBase::ILockable type 100 (BASE) is not supported yet
TStreamerInfo::WriteBu... ERROR The element xAOD::AuxInfoBase::ILockable type 100 (BASE) is not supported yet
TStreamerInfo::WriteBu... ERROR The element xAOD::AuxInfoBase::ILockable type 100 (BASE) is not supported yet
TStreamerInfo::WriteBu... ERROR The element xAOD::AuxInfoBase::ILockable type 100 (BASE) is not supported yet
I feel like my task should be simple but I really have no idea. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.