I’m a little lost with the logic behind TBranch::SetAddress(), or equivalently, TTree::SetBranchAddress().
I have a splitted tree which contains the member variables of several TObjects. Lets take a simple case, there is an object with event info, which has a scalar member ‘run’ of type Int_t.
file = new TFile("/home/walter/data/s254/musi_1061.root")
tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("tree");
* 0 * 1061 *
* 1 * 1061 *
Now I try to apply the recipe given on page 217 in User_Guide_3_10.pdf.
Int_t* pi_buf = (Int_t*) new Int_t[10];
for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) pi_buf[i]=-1;
TBranch *b_run = tree->GetBranch("run");
I’d expect to see “1061” in the first element of this array, but what I see is that it is stored in the 7th element of this array.
for (Int_t i=0;i<9;i++) printf("%2d: %4d\n",i,pi_buf[i]);
0: -1
1: -1
2: -1
3: -1
4: -1
5: -1
6: 1061
7: -1
8: -1
As a matter of fact, using SetAddress() with a scaler rather than an array, as done here, may lead to a crash sooner or later.
So I looked into what MakeClass is doing, and saw, that the generated code my MakeClass produces a call
And indeed, calling SetMakeClass(1) before the SetAddress() solves the problem, and one gets the data where one expects it.
[li] What am I missing here ?[/li]
[li] Is there something obvious I overlooking on page 217 ?[/li]
[li] What is the effect of SetMakeClass() ? Being an inline function it isn’t documented (and a nice example, that a method with a trivial implementation does not always have a trivial semantics, thus should be documented and documentable). [/li][/ul]