How to suppress minuit2 messages

Dear all,

Is there any way to suppress (warning) messages from Minuit2 (Info in : …) ?
I could not find any method to control verbosity…


these massages go through the ROOT error reporting system.
To switch off the messages, you can do:

 gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001; 

or in case you are using the ROOT::Math::Minimizer interface you can do:


Best Regards


Thank you very much !

I have the same problem with ROOT::Math::MnMigrad, but there’s no SetPrintLevel function here.
Is there a way to suppress messages with a MnMigrad minimizer, considering it’s a compiled code?

ok, I inserted an extern declaration of gErrorIgnoreLevel and it works, not really “elegant” but efficient

extern int gErrorIgnoreLevel; gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001;