How to suppress DuplicateEvent message in CMSSW config file

Hi all,

Can somebody please tell me how to suppress duplicate event warning while running a cmssw config file?


%MSG-w DuplicateEvent: PostStreamBeginLumi 05-May-2023 06:11:45 CEST PostStreamBeginLumi

Duplicate Events found in entire set of input files.

Both events were from run 315973 and luminosity block 819 with event number 923213295.

The duplicate will be skipped.


%MSG-w DuplicateEvent: PostStreamBeginLumi 05-May-2023 06:11:45 CEST PostStreamBeginLumi

Duplicate Events found in entire set of input files.

Both events were from run 315973 and luminosity block 819 with event number 923267437.

The duplicate will be skipped.


%MSG-w DuplicateEvent: PostStreamBeginLumi 05-May-2023 06:11:45 CEST PostStreamBeginLumi

Duplicate Events found in entire set of input files.

Both events were from run 315973 and luminosity block 819 with event number 923337710.

The duplicate will be skipped.

Best regards,


The error that you describe doesn’t seem to come from ROOT itself but from CMSSW. Do they have a forum or any other support channel on which you can re-post this?

Sorry to not be able to help more. :slight_smile:


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