How to separate each element of a matrix

Hello all,
Maybe this is a simple question.But I can’t figure it out.
I have a TVectorD.
(1).I need to store it each element separately.
How can I do that?

Vector (6) is as follows

 |        1  |

0 |0.0308705
1 |-0.0258366
2 |0.00377313
3 |-0.000258603
4 |-0.00151154
5 |-0.00100335



double matrix_element[6];
TVectorD my_matrix;
for(int i=0; I < 6; I++){
 matrix_element[I]= my_matrix.GetMatrixArray() 

Doesn’t work. I got all six 0’s.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

matrix_element[i] = my_matrix[i];” or “matrix_element[i] = my_matrix(i);