ROOT Version: 6.17/01 Platform: linuxx8664gcc Compiler: gcc version 8.3.1 20190223
I have a 1-Dimensional histogram, say h1 with bins going from 0 to 4000. The X-axis tick-mark labels are
in the interval of 1000 i.e. 0,1000,2000,3000,4000
Now, I rebin X-Axis using
After this operation the X-axis tick-mark labels are still the same i.e. 0,1000,2000,3000,4000
I want these to change to 0,100,200,300,400 since the calibration of the axis is also changed now. I am not able to get this behaviour.
I tried to search for the answer on the ROOT Forum but the search did led to to relevant post. Also, I am sorry, if this sounds a very simple question.
But isn’t there a simple way to achieve it? We need this functionality quite frequently with different scaling factors. This means - I have to edit the macro everytime before using it. Isn’t it?
With the above I achieve what I wanted to by changing v = 10 * x + 100; to v = 0.1 * x + 100; in the original macro in Double_t ScaleX(Double_t x) function.
It would have been great to use a scaling factor at root [4] instead of using ScaleX.