I have tried writing codes line by line but it’s too much work and I want to know how to write in a text editior and run it on root then as it is much easier, as in the header files required and such. For now I always run hsimple.C first and the write the code for graphs line by line which is quite tedious.
Hi @esh187,
you can run C++ code with ROOT with root -q functionname.cpp (ROOT will execute the function called functionname in file functionname.cpp). You can also open a ROOT prompt with root, and then load the contents of a program with .L myprogram.cpp, at which point you can just call any function that was defined in that file as normal.
For more complex usecases, my personal recommendation would actually be to use ROOT as any other C++ library and compile your programs with g++ -o program program.cpp $(root-config --libs --cflags) (you can check what root-config --libs --cflags does by running it in your prompt: it’s just a handy utility to provide all the compilation flags needed to compile a program that depends on ROOT).
See e.g. here for the original version and its compilation errors, and here for the fixed version.
Regarding the second post, as I wrote above if you run cpp file through root, the filename should be the same as the function you want root to execute (see that post for more details, or the primer that Wile E. linked.